Fly Fishing: Getting Started
Catch and Release Methods
If practicing catch and release, follow these steps to ensure the best chance of survival:
- Land the fish as quickly as possible. Do not play the fish to exhaustion.
- Use shallow landing net with soft, knotless mesh or rubber netting.
- Keep fish in water when handling & removing hooks.
- If deeply hooked, cut the line. Do not pull hook out.
- Release fish only after it has recovered. If necessary, gently hold the fish facing upstream in slow moving current.
Getting Started in Fly Fishing
When some people think about fly fishing they think of a technical, elitist, and expensive sport. In some ways it can be, but if you take it step by step it can be as easy as learning how to ride a bike.
Make sure you are legal. Have an up-to-date fishing license and know the regulations to the waters you are planning to fish.
Have someone you can turn to for help or advice. If you know someone that fly fishes use them to help you along the way. (Most will be more than happy to help) If you don’t, visit your local fly shop and seek their advice. It is crucial and a very important part of learning the sport, plus you will gain a fishing partner or two along the way. (Also you can get information from internet sites and books)
Gear Up With the Basics (Rod, Reel, Line, and Leader). When getting started this might feel overwhelming with all the different fly rods, reels and lines. But use your friend or local fly shop for advice and support. I personally would start with a cheaper rod and reel (under $50-$100) and if you get addicted like most of us, than get a nice brand named set up later on. The perfect set up for Tennessee and most trout waters is a 9 ft-5 weight rod, 5 weight floating line with 100 yards of 20lb backing, and 9ft-3x leader. Have the fly shop install the backing, line and leader.
Practice Casting. Now that you have your Rod, Reel and Leader. Go out in your yard or park and practice casting. Start casting short (10ft) and as you feel comfortable strip out more line and practice longer casts. Casting is one of the most important aspects of fly fishing, if not the most and one that needs to be worked at the most. By getting familiar with the way your rod casts before you hit the river, you will greatly improve your odds of having a better first day on the water. This is the aspect that is hardest for beginners, so work on it!!!!
More Essential Gear. This is a list of gear that you don’t want to be without on the water. (I never leave home without this stuff, its like going to a baseball game and forgetting your uniform):
- Tippet (3x, 4x, 5x, 6x)
- Little bb weights
- Line Snips
- Forceps
- Strike Indicators
- Floatant.
- Fly Vest
- Waders
- Wading Boots
- Net
- Polarized Glasses
- Hat
Learn how to read water (River). One of the aspects that separates a new fly fishermen from a seasoned pro is their ability to read water and know where the fish should be holding. This isn’t a concept one learns over night, but there are a few tips that will get you off on the right foot.
- 1. Fish Bubbles-If you find bubbles in a river you know that you are in a place that trout like to feed.
- 2. Fish Drop Offs- Look for areas that riffles drop into deeper water, fish will hangout on the drop off.
- 3. Fish Cover- Fish are constantly on the look out for predators and will hangout behind rocks, around fallen trees, and under overgrown banks.
- 4. Fish Seams- A seam is the area between a fast current and slow water. Usually you will notice the water swirling around, peeling off the main current, fish love seams.
Learn Your Basic Fly Type. In Fly Fishing you have 4 basic fly types-
- 1. Dry Flies- These are the flies that float on the surface imitating an adult insect.
- 2. Nymphs- These are the flies that are fished subsurface imitating the insects on the bottom of the river.
- 3. Emergers- These are the flies that are fished just below the surface or deeper to imitate insects emerging to the surface to become adults. (They call this a hatch)
- 4. Steamers- These flies are used to imitate leeches, minnows, crawfish and other fish food. They are usually fished with sinking line on lakes and rivers.
Do Your Homework. Before your first outing you should find out a few important factors that will improve your odds to having a successful day on the water.
- 1. Where are you going and is it fishable?
- 2. What are the flies to use during this time of year at that place?
- 3. What is the easiest way to catch fish at that location? (Nymphing, Dry flies, Wet Flies, or Streamers)
Learn From Your Own Experiences on the Water. Get out and learn firsthand by your own experiences on the water. The best way to learn fly fishing is to practice it. One thing that I liked doing since I didn’t know anyone who fly fished and didn’t have anyone to go with, was to study others as they fished. A lot of the time I ended up talking with them and finding out what they were doing to catch fish. Those tips were a great help in learning the sport for me. The bottom-line is that nothing can take the place of spending time on the water learning on your own the fine art of fly fishing. So get out and worked through the tangles and missed hook ups and you will find your reward.